The Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism: the path to a sustainable future

Sustainable operations and the integration of environmental certification in the tourism development of destinations play a key role in preserving natural resources and cultural heritage for future generations.

The Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism  (GSST) is a comprehensive national programme and certification scheme for promoting sustainable tourism in Slovenia. The scheme enables the recognition of destinations, accommodation, nature parks, attractions and travel agencies that are committed to environmentally friendly, responsible tourism. The scheme operates under the auspices of the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) and includes internationally recognised sustainability standards and criteria. It is a quality certificate that indicates compliance with a wide range of requirements in the field of sustainable tourism. The scheme is both a tool for assessing and improving sustainability performance.Deluje pod krovno znamko

SLOVENIA GREEN brings together all efforts for the sustainable development of tourism in Slovenia, provides destinations and providers with concrete tools for assessing and improving sustainable performance, and promotes this green performance through the Slovenia Green brand.

The label is awarded to destinations and providers that preserve natural resources, cultural heritage, sustainable mobility and involve the local community in shaping the tourism offer. More than 200 destinations, accommodation providers, tourist attractions, parks and other providers are already part of the scheme.

The Slovenia Green label is conditional on the provider having previously been awarded one international sustainability or environmental label recognised by the Slovenian Green Tourism Scheme.

Sustainability reports

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