The most commonly written definition of sustainable tourism is defined by the World Tourism Organisation as:

“Tourism that takes full account of current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, taking into account meeting the needs of visitors, the tourism industry environment and local communities.”

(UNEP, 2005)

Sustainable tourism is not just about controlling and managing negative impacts on the environment, but also about bringing economic and social benefits to local communities, raising awareness, supporting conservation and creating opportunities for a better life. Sustainable development is thus based on the principles of good stewardship of natural resources, equitable use of resources and the sharing of the benefits they bring. (UNEP, 2005)

Sustainable tourism must:
  • make optimal use of environmental resources, which are a key element of tourism development, and preserve essential ecological processes, natural heritage and biodiversity.
  • respect the socio-cultural authenticity of local communities, preserve their living and non-living cultural heritage, traditional values and contribute to intercultural understanding and tolerance.
  • To ensure a successful, long-term economic business that generates benefits for all stakeholders. Benefits must be equitably shared, including secure employment and earning opportunities and the provision of social services to local communities, thereby contributing to poverty reduction.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call to action for all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. The goals have been adopted by 193 countries and set new standards for sustainable development.

Key institutions in the field of sustainable tourism development at global and European level

  • is the United Nations agency responsible for promoting responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism
  • is a non-profit organisation that defines global criteria for sustainable tourism at destination and provider level
  • an association of 35 national European tourism organisations. Its mission is to strengthen the sustainable development of Europe as a tourist destination, focusing on research, marketing and awareness-raising.
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